The 69996 House is a fictional American-themed house in Roblox World, both versions were in the county of Robloxville.
The original brick house was built on November 27, 1905.
Mother and father (Who were born in the early 1980s) lived in the original house with her parents (Whose were born in the 1950s) since 1996. They started off with a first and only son named "69996" who was born on December 1, 2007, then on July 15, 2009, "69996 2" was born, Then a second daughter "69996 Jr." was born on May 31, 2014.
The modern version of the 69996 House was built in late-2007. Their original house was abandoned since December 1, 2010 as they moved out the day before.
Appearance of 69996 children[]
69996 2 is similar to Meilin Lee from Turning Red, who has black hair.
Original House Destruction (November 17, 2023)[]
During the Late 2023 Explosions on November 17, 2023, the original house is exploded at about 8:00 PM.
Real Life[]
Roblox World[]
Coming Soon