The 54080 House is a fictional house in Roblox World. There are 2 versions. The original house in Roblox World collapsed down the cliff on June 5, 2024 alongside of the original 62018 House.
Early years[]
The original house was built in 1960 and the modern version was built in 2010.
After mother and father were married in 2007, they moved into the original house and had a daughter "54080" on October 4, 2008, and another daughter "54080 Jr." on February 6, 2010. They lived in the original house until their moveout on April 3, 2020 to move into the modern house.
The original house was somehow abandoned since May 2020, therefore the no trespassing signs are set up. The original house sat on the edge of the cliff during its abandonment to rot, since December 26, 2023 the house is marked unsafe and keep out signs were posted due to cliff erosion.
The original house collapse (2024)[]
The original house collapsed down the cliff on June 5, 2024, just about 8 1/2 hours after the original 62018 House collapsed.
Note: Photos that might not relate to the 54080 House.